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GAC Load Sharing Module LSM672

24VDC (CE) / Isochronous Load Sharing / Load Anticipation / Droop / Forward and Reverse Monitoring and Reset Capability

Only two pce. available!

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DKK 4.682,81



DKK 6.243,75

GAC's LSM672 Series Load Sharing Modules proportionally shares the load between two or more generator sets while the system frequency is held constant. As an accessory to the Electronic Governing System, the LSM672 Series measures the true power current through a parallel cable interconnection, continuously controlling the governing system. By using various droop and power control connections, the Load Sharing Module can parallel and share load with the utility’s main bus. In addition to its primary function of load sharing, a load anticipation circuit is included to maximize performance in single or parallel engine generator operation.  The unit also contains adjustable monitors for forward and reverse power.